Metagenomics studies the collective genomes of all the microorganisms of a sample by sequencing the genetic material directly recovered from the sample.
From 2008, DNAVision successfully provides metagenomic services using next generation sequencing to various sample types.
Experts in metagenomic, bioinformatic and data management
Fully validated and bioinformatic pipeline based on metagenomics most widely used sofware: QIIME. Allowing generation of standardized and ready-to-publish metagenomics data
Quick turnaround
Permanent communication
QIIME analysis:
Data filtering to only keep true sequence diversity
Selection of Sequence Variants (SV)
Taxonomic profiling
Rarefaction plotting
Alpha and Beta diversity analyses
Sample Types:​
DNAVision will provide you:
The support you need to design your study: expert support during study design, dedicated project manager and clear guidelines on sample prep and quality
The highest level of quality for your analysis:
Sample encoding in LIMS
Sending of an acknowledgment of receipt
Sample Quality Control (QC)
Sample preparation
QC before sequencing
High throughput sequencing
Raw Data and run QC
Bioinformatic analysis (QIIME)
Report delivery and customer feedback
Support for result interpretation:
QC report: overview of sequencing metrics
Detailled results: ready-to-use information for an in-depth analysis